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"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela

Metastatic Breast Cancer

Although breast cancer that has spread to distant sites in the body is considered to be incurable it can be treated. There are people who have lived more than 20 years after their diagnosis.

Where to go for information
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Think BEFORE you Pink

The plight of those of us with Metastatic Breast Cancer is being used by commercial companies to make profits without contributing much, if anything, of the extra profit that they make from selling their products which use the Pink Ribbon symbol.


Some breast cancer non-profits also raise money by quoting how many people will die of this disease each year while contributing only about 3% of the money raised towards MBC research, when 30% of those who develop MBC were original diagnosed with Early Stage Breast Cancer (ESBC).  Another 10% of those diagnosed with breast cancer already have Metastatic Breast Cancer.

We believe that at least 30% of the research funding should be devoted to finding treatments for MBC; which, at present, is considered to be treatable but incurable.


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