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Lost Inspiration Quilt

OK - I admit it, the idea came from trying to do something a bit like the AIDS Memorial Quilt but to raise some awareness of Metastatic Breast Cancer.  Some of us were thinking about the way that AIDS Advocates were really able to get attention, not to mention some action to find treatments for their cause.  The idea sprung to mind of the Memorial Quilt and the way that project really caught the public's imagination, and has been used as an educational tool as well as a memorial for those taken by the disease.

This is the first physical projects that Inspired Metastatic Breast Cancer Advocacy has been involved with and we are hoping to have the first Quilt done in time for the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network conference in Houston TX on 21 September 2013. 

As well as a formal Quilt, and to include those who are not expert with a needle I am proposing a pillow case based project.  This would give you a hemmed, plain background to work on which could be decorated by applique, fabric paints, permanent fabric pens ... the possibilities are endless ... as long as they are securely fastened as they will be moved around and rolled or folded for storage.  Just remember to put something between the two pieces of fabric if you are using pens or paints, so it doesn't go through to the back!  So get thinking and see what you can come up with.

If  Please go to for more information.

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